Featured Artists: Dwight & Kelly Luna

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Kelly Luna

kelly250As with many artists, my creativity manifested early. Mine took many forms, art being one, but also baking, photography, sewing, and calligraphy. I made a point of taking time for art classes throughout school, even receiving a scholarship to this very Art League as a result of my efforts in high school. I took various art classes in college, too, dabbling in photography, fiber arts, and even getting my solder on in silver jewelry class. (Torches are cool!) Sadly, I did not major in art as it wasn’t “practical” so I majored in English Literature instead. Yeah. I know.

Art went by the wayside until I stumbled into the world of on-line art classes just before hitting the big 4-0, and realized I’d really, really missed making art. Call it a mid-life crisis or a creative awaking (let’s go with that), I took an intuitive painting class and, much to my surprise, found out that I was a painter.

2012 marked the beginning of my Creative Awakening, and I’ve been playing every since. I’m a dabbler, so I like trying lots of techniques and styles, mixing it up with abstracts as well as figurative work. I love color and nature and between the two of them, they are the biggest influences on my art. I like to play with organic shapes and motifs while exploring color. I still feel like a newbie with most of it, but try to remember that the most important thing is to enjoy myself.

In the last four years, my work has been accepted in two juried shows, including this past EAL Spring Show, and have twice received the best “funky-eclectic” award in the Elkhart ArtWalk, all of which were huge honors.

If you like, you can visit me at www.kellyluna.com, or see what I’m up to on Instagram @kellylunapics.


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Dwight Luna

Dwight_Headshot_outdoors_color_faded 500pxA lifelong art enthusiast, I’ve been drawing and painting since I was a kid. I grew up in Goshen, and attended Elkhart Area Career Center for commercial art. I had additional commercial art training at Ivy Tech and became a graphic artist, designer, and prepress specialist in the commercial print industry.

When you see my work I hope you see the best in me. My work is changing and I know I still have much to improve and learn. I’ve used a variety of mediums including oil, acrylic, and watercolor. I try to paint a few minutes every day.

Much credit goes to my wife for inspiring me, and always being there with a good word and helpful criticism. Many other people deserve thanks for their kindness; Steve Gruber and his Art Walk series, Nancy Wirt and her Taste of the Garden show, Elkhart Art League Shows (Shana & Margaret!), Brian Byrn from the Midwest Museum, and Art Beat in South Bend have been amazing. Thanks to all who have encouraged and given advice.

View more of my work online: https://www.behance.net/dluna712
