Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for classes?
Obtain a listing of our upcoming classes by visiting this site or by joining our mailing list. Your email will automatically be added to our mailing list with membership registration, and discounts on class fees will be offered. You may register for classes online, by phone or via e-mail.

Class registration closes one week prior to the start of the class. Class fees may be paid online or by check (mail in or drop off). In the event of cancellation of the class, you will be informed by email and your payment will be returned.

How do I get credits for classes completed?
Our classes are mostly for artistic development and specific curricula for accreditation are not foreseen. However, save your work completed as examples of your ability. High School students who have taken our classes have found their work to be good references on entering art academies or college as art majors. Your instructors can also provide references for you.
When are your board meetings?
Board Meetings are held the 1st Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm in our facility, the West Wing of 131 Tyler St. Meetings are open to all members. Please feel free to join meetings and give us your thoughts and ideas for continued growth.

To contact us you may leave messages at our telephone at 574.264.1810 or by e-mail to

EAL Board

Our dedicated team of artist leaders is committed to ensuring that the Elkhart Art League continues to positively impact our community.

Karin Frey President

Shana Dines Vice President

Kathy Wolfe Secretary

Beth Floyd

Dwight Fish

Vicci Moore

Want to Get Involved? Contact Us!


131 Tyler Street, Suite 1B - Elkhart, IN 46516



(574) 264-1810