2015 Fall Show


The Elkhart Art League is pleased to announce our upcoming Fall Show for Members and Students. The show will features submitted works by EAL Members and students taking classes at the Elkhart Art League. There will be juried prizes as well as a People’s Choice award for each category.

Show is for EAL Members and Students Only. To become a member prior to entering, please visit our Membership page.

Show Opening: Friday, October 16, 5-8pm at the Elkhart Art League Building

For more information regarding submissions, please download the Show Prospectus.

[su_button url=”http://ealonline.org/fallshow/fall-show-pre-registration/” style=”flat” background=”#eebf31″ color=”#000000″ size=”7″ center=”yes” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #444444″]Register Online[/su_button]